



There + be + 主语 + 地点状语/时间状语

意思: 某处存在某物或某事

说明: 用于描述某处存在某物或某事,特别是场所或时间。

例句: There is a coffee shop across the street. (在街对面有一家咖啡店。)

What's wrong with + 某人/某物

意思: ......出了什么问题

说明: 用于询问某人或某物是否存在问题或异常情况。

例句: What's wrong with the refrigerator? (你的冰箱出了什么问题?)

How do you like...?

意思: 你对......有什么感觉?

说明: 用于了解对某事物的态度或喜好程度。

例句: How do you like the recent changes in the office layout? (你觉得最近办公室布局的变化怎么样?)

What do you like about...?

意思: 你喜欢......的什么地方?

说明: 用于了解对某事物具体哪些方面令人喜欢。

例句: What do you like about the new project you're working on? (你喜欢正在进行的新项目的哪些方面?)

How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语! ; What a/an + adj. + n. + 主语 + 谓语!

意思: 多么......!

说明: 感叹句,用于通过强烈的语气表达对某事物的印象或评价。

例句: How thrilling this movie is! (这部电影真是刺激!)

例句: What a delicious meal we had! (多么美味的一餐!)

Thank + 某人 + for(doing)某事

意思: 感谢某人做了某事

说明: 用于表达对某人所做行为的感激之情。

例句: Thank you for assisting with the event preparations. (感谢你协助活动的准备工作。)

So + be/情态动词/助动词 + 主语

意思: ......也是如此

说明: 倒装句,用于强调两者具有相似的情况或状态。

例句: The project is so challenging, and so are the tasks assigned to each team member. (这个项目很具挑战性,每个团队成员分配的任务也是如此。)

... not ... until ...

意思: 直到某个时间点才......

说明: 用于强调某事直到特定时刻才发生。

例句: The meeting didn't start until everyone had found their seats. (会议直到每个人都找到自己的座位才开始。)

比较级 + and + 比较级

意思: 越来越......

说明: 用于强调某种变化是逐渐发生的。

例句: His skills in photography are getting better and better. (他的摄影技巧在变得越来越好。)

the + 比较级,the + 比较级

意思: 越......越......

说明: 用于强调随着某种变化,两者同时增加或减少。

例句: The more he practiced, the more confident he became. (他练习得越多,他就变得越自信。)

...(not) as + adj./adv. + as ...

意思: 和......一样...... / 不如......那么......

说明: 用于进行比较,强调相等或不相等的程度。

例句: Her new novel is not as interesting as her previous work. (她的新小说没有她之前的作品那么有趣。)

more/less + adj. + than...

意思: 比......更多/更少......

说明: 用于表示一种程度上的差异。

例句: She drinks more coffee than tea. (她喝咖啡比喝茶多。)

stop…from doing sth.

意思: 阻止......做某事

说明: 用于表示阻止某人或某物做某事。

例句: The guide stopped the tourists from wandering into restricted areas. (导游阻止游客闲逛进入受限制的区域。)

prevent…from doing sth.

意思: 阻止......做某事

说明: 表达采取行动以防止或妨碍某人做某事。

例句: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help prevent you from gaining excessive weight. (定期锻炼和健康饮食可以帮助防止你体重过重。)

both ... and ...

意思: 既......又......

说明: 用于表示两个方面的共同存在。

例句: Both the boys and the girls are enjoying the party. (男孩和女孩们都正在享受这个派对。)

either ... or...

意思: 要么......要么......

说明: 用于表示两者之间的选择关系。

例句: You can either have coffee or tea. (你要么喝咖啡,要么喝茶。)

neither ... nor ...

意思: 既不......也不......

说明: 用于否定两个方面的选择。

例句: Neither the book nor the movie was interesting. (这本书和这部电影都没有什么有趣的。)

... as soon as ...

意思: 一......就......

说明: 用于表示紧跟着某个事件的发生。

例句: As soon as I finish my homework, I will go out to play. (我一完成我的作业就会出去玩。)

... so + adj./adv. + that ...

意思: 如此......以至于......

说明: 用于表示结果,通常强调某种程度。

例句: The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down. (这本书如此有趣,我简直放不下。)

Though... + 主句

意思: 虽然......但是......

说明: 用于表示转折关系,引导让步状语从句。

例句: Though he is rich, he is not happy. (虽然他很富有,但是他并不快乐。)

be different from

意思: 与......不同

说明: 用于比较,强调差异或不同之处。

例句: Chinese culture is different from Western culture. (中国文化与西方文化不同。)


意思: 欢迎回到......

说明: 用于表示对某人的欢迎,特别是对回到某地的欢迎。

例句: Welcome back to school! (欢迎回到学校!)

have fun doing

意思: 玩得高兴,享受做某事

说明: 表达在做某事时感到愉快和快乐。

例句: We had a great time playing games together. (我们一起玩得非常开心。)

... because ... ; ...,so ...

意思: 因为......,所以......

说明: 用于表示原因和结果之间的逻辑关系。

例句: Because she didn't attend the meeting because she was feeling unwell, she missed important information. (她因为身体不适没有参加会议,所以错过了重要的信息。)

例句: She didn't attend the meeting because she was feeling unwell, so she missed important information. (她因为身体不适没有参加会议,所以错过了重要的信息。)

have nothing to do with

意思: 与......无关

说明: 表示两者之间没有联系或关系。

例句: His decision to resign had nothing to do with the recent changes in the company. (他辞职的决定与公司最近的变化无关。)

注意辨析类似的结构have nothing to do:

have nothing to do

意思: 无事可做

说明: 表达当前没有任何事情需要处理或参与。

例句: I have nothing to do this weekend, so maybe we can plan something together. (这个周末我无事可做,也许我们可以一起计划些事情。)

Why don't you ... ; Why not do sth.

意思: 你为什么不......

说明: 用于提出建议或邀请,表达友好的建议。

例句: Why don't you try the new restaurant downtown? (你为什么不试试市区的新餐馆?)

例句: Why not try the new restaurant downtown? (为什么不试试市区的新餐馆?)

make it

意思: 赶得上,成功

说明: 表示按计划或赶上某个时间点。

例句: Let's make it half past twelve. (让我们定在12点半吧!)

be sure/be sure of/about sth. / be sure to do sth.

意思: 确信,确定

说明: 表达对某事物或行为的确信程度。


He is sure about the accuracy of the data in his research. (他对研究中数据的准确性很有把握。)

Are you sure of the meeting time? (你对会议时间确定吗?)

She is sure to excel in the competition with her dedication and skills. (凭借她的敬业和技能,她肯定能在比赛中表现出色。)

between ... and ...

意思: 在......和......之间

说明: 用于表示两个事物之间的空间或时间关系。

例句: There is a river between the two villages. (两座村庄之间有一条河。)

keep sb. / sth. + 形容词/副词/现在分词/过去分词/介词短语

意思: 使某人/某物保持......状态

说明: 表示通过某种手段使某人或某物保持特定状态。


Keep the door closed at all times. (随时保持门关闭。)

She keeps her room tidy and organized. (她保持她的房间整洁有序。)

Can you keep the noise down while I'm on a conference call? (我在开会,你能不能保持安静?)

find + 宾语 + 宾补

意思: 发现某人/某物......

说明: 用于表示通过观察或发现某人或某物的状态或特征。

例句: I found him reading a book in the library. (我发现他在图书馆看书。)

... not ... anymore/longer

意思: 不再......

说明: 用于表示过去某种状态或行为不再存在。

例句: The patient is no longer coughing. (病人不再咳嗽了。)

What's the weather like...?

意思: ......的天气怎么样?

说明: 用于询问(某时某地)天气状况。

例句: What's the weather like at the beach right now? (海滩现在的天气怎么样?)

There is no time to do/ have no time to do

意思: 没有时间做某事

说明: 表达因为时间有限而无法做某事。


I have no time to attend the meeting this afternoon. (我今天下午没有时间参加会议。)

There is no time to waste; we need to start working on the report immediately. (没有时间可以浪费,我们需要立即开始着手报告。)

Help oneself to...

意思: 随便取用,尽情享用......

说明: 表示邀请别人随意取用某物。

例句: Guests are welcome to help themselves to drinks from the refreshment table. (来宾可以自行从茶点桌上取饮料。)

used to do

意思: 过去常常做某事

说明: 表达过去习惯性、经常性进行的动作或状态。

例句: I used to play the piano when I was younger. (我年轻的时候常常弹钢琴。)

borrow ... from

意思: 从......借......

说明: 用于表示向某人或某地借用某物。

例句: If you forget your umbrella, you can always borrow one from us. (如果你忘记了伞,你随时可以我们这里借一把。)

lend sb. sth. ; lend sth. to sb.

意思: 借给某人某物

说明: 表示主动把某物借给别人。

例句: Can you lend me your pen for a moment? (你能借给我你的钢笔吗?)

have been to

意思: 曾经去过......

说明: 用于表示曾经到过某个地方。

例句: Have you ever been to the seaside? (你去过海边吗?)

have gone to

意思: 已经到......去了

说明: 用于表示某人已经到达或前往某个地方。

例句: He's gone to the forest. (他去森林了。)

be famous for

意思: 以......而闻名

说明: 用于表示某人或某物因某方面而出名。

例句: The university library is famous for its extensive collection of rare manuscripts.


No matter + 疑问句 + 主句

意思: 无论......,都......

说明: 表示无论发生什么情况,结果都是一样的。

例句: No matter where you go, I'll always support you. (无论你去哪里,我都会一直支持你。)

be afraid(of / to do / that...)

意思: 害怕(做某事/那......)

说明: 表达对某事物或某行为的害怕感。

例句: Don't be afraid of making mistakes; it's a crucial part of the learning process.


... as ... as possible / ... as ... as sb. can

意思: 尽可能地......

说明: 表达在某种程度上尽最大可能地做某事。


Please arrive as soon as possible for the meeting. (请尽快到达会议现场。)

Please complete the task as quickly as possible. (请尽快完成任务。)

He worked as hard as he could to meet the tight deadline. (他尽一切可能努力工作以满足紧迫的截止日期。)

practice / enjoy / finish doing

意思: 练习/享受/完成做某事

说明: 表达进行某种活动或动作。


I need to practice playing the piano for at least an hour every day. (我每天至少需要练习弹钢琴一个小时。)

She enjoys painting landscapes in her free time. (她在业余时间喜欢画风景画。)

We need to finish cleaning the house before the guests arrive. (在客人到达之前,我们需要完成打扫房子的工作。)

It's said that ...

意思: 据说......

说明: 表示引述别人的说法或传闻。

例句: It's said that the new restaurant in town serves the most delicious pizza. (听说城里的新餐厅供应最美味的比萨。)

Not all / everyone ...

意思: 并非所有人都......

说明: 强调并非所有人或一切都符合某一情况。


Not everyone agrees with the proposed changes to the company's policies.


Not all movies appeal to everyone's taste; preferences vary widely.


be based on

意思: 以......为基础

说明: 表示某事物建立在某一基础或前提上。


The movie is based on a true story. (这部电影根据一个真实故事改编而成。)

... so that ...

意思: 以便/为了......

说明: 表示目的或结果,引导目的状语从句。

例句: He exercises regularly so that he can maintain good health and fitness. (他定期锻炼,以便保持良好的健康和体能。)

be + 数词 + metres/kilometres/years... + long/wide/deep/high/old...

意思: 有......长/宽/深/高/年龄......

说明: 用于描述长度、宽度、深度、高度、年龄等的量。


The cave is 100 meters deep. (这个洞穴深达100米。)

keep ... from doing

意思: 阻止/防止......做某事

说明: 表示阻止或防止某人做某事。

例句: The heavy rain kept us from starting out. (大雨阻止了我们出发。)

with one's help...

意思: 在某人的帮助下......

说明: 表示在某人的协助或帮助下进行某事。

例句: With your help, we were able to complete the project ahead of schedule. (在你的帮助下,我们能够提前完成这个项目。)

I don't think ...

意思: 我认为......不

说明: 用于表达个人观点或看法,通常用于否定句。

例句: I don't think she has received your message yet; her phone might be turned off. (我认为她还没有收到你的消息;她的手机可能关机了。)

What's the population of ...?

意思: ......的人口有多少?

说明: 用于询问某地区或国家的人口数量。


What's the population of the world? (全世界人口是多少?)

prefer to do … rather than do

意思: 宁愿做某事而不做另一事

说明: 表达对两个选择的偏好。

例句: She prefers to walk to work rather than take public transportation.


be worth (doing) ...

意思: 值得(做)......

说明: 表示某事物具有一定的价值或意义。

例句: This book is worth reading. (这本书值得读。)

regard … as ...

意思: 将......视为......

说明: 表示将某人或某物看作是某种身份或状态。

例句: We should regard this achievement as a significant milestone in our company's history.


be confident of ...

意思: 对......有信心

说明: 表达对某事物或某人的信心。

例句: The athlete is confident of breaking the world record in the upcoming competition.


seem to do / seem + adj. /(介词短语)

意思: 似乎在做某事/似乎是....../(似乎)在某种状态下

说明: 表达某人或某物在外观或表现上给人某种印象。


She seems to understand the assignment well.


The weather seems quite chilly for an outdoor event.


The project seems on track despite some initial challenges.


be angry with / about / at(doing)

意思: 因为......而生气

说明: 表达因某事物而感到愤怒或生气。


She is angry with her colleague for not completing the assigned tasks.


He is angry about the unfair treatment he received at work.


The teacher is angry at the students not paying attention in class.


pay for / pay … for

意思: 为......付款

说明: 表达支付某事物的费用。


She had to pay extra for shipping when ordering the item online.




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